Recission: Stage 2 of Drought Contingency Plan

September 22, 2021 7:07 am

Dear Water Customer,

On August 30, 2021 Harris County MUD No. 418 implemented Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan (“DCP”). The target for Stage 2 is a 20% water usage reduction through restrictive measures and community participation. At this time, the target goals in reducing the daily water demand as set forth by the DCP Stage 2 have been achieved for 7 straight days and we can rescind water use restrictions, per TCEQ.

Please be advised, with the recission of Stage 2, Stage 1 of the DCP goes back into effect. As a reminder, the target for Stage 1 is a 10% water usage reduction through voluntary means. The District would like to thank residents for their cooperation.

Though the Stage 2 restrictions are no longer in place, we encourage residents to continue irrigating on alternate days (Even addresses Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday; Odd addresses Saturday, Monday Wednesday). For more information on how to program your sprinkler controller, please visit or your MUD District websites ( or

Please reach out to Inframark’s Customer Service department at (281) 579-4500 if you have any questions or concerns.

Bob Thomas/Dr. Anthony McBride
President, Board of Directors

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